Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Liver : The Doorway to Good Health

The best way to keep your BODY happy and healthy is to keep your LIVER happy and healthy.

Keep your liver clean and healthy with cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, milk thistle, Brussels sprouts... (few of them are not too common in India).

Refined sugar is your biggest enemy! Move to jaggery.

Avoid hydrogenated oils, especially cannola, safflower, soybean. These oils are harmful for your body as they are modified oils and there's no 'vegetable' in them as claimed. Good oils are coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, butter. Or oil extracted through natural process.

Soy products are harmful for you. Only fermented soy was the good form of protein. Currently most of the soyabean products available are extracted from modified (GMO) soy, which is harmful for body, especially women's. Avoid junk food, processed food, alcohol (if you drink).

Coming back to cruciferous vegetables, even supplements are available, which cost a bomb! 

Liver has many functions and any pressure on it means fatty liver and toxins getting accumulated in it, which will harm other functions in body and lead to other diseases in other parts of body. Toxins/fats in liver mimic estrogen in body and cause estrogen dominance. And eventually hormonal imbalance. 

Even shatavari (ayurveda) helps in balancing hormones to some extent. However, ayurvedic medicines contain lot of heat and may not suit many people if you're already undergoing allopathy medicines. Moreover, allopathy and ayurveda don't gel together many times. One might reduce effect of other in some cases.

Some of our added hormones also come from drinking milk of cows and buffaloes fed with steroids and hormones to give excess milk, white farmed English broiler chickens fluffed for business, farmed/cultivated fish (in fresh water/ponds). Wild fish from deep sea and desi/un-commercialised (organic) chicken are better options. Camel milk/ Goat milk is another alternate. 

Whatever good food that you eat too, 'moderation' is the word.

However, the highlight here is that if you want to live healthy, liver is the key! If liver is repaired, you will lose extra fat as well.

Food is my current favourite topic and I am learning a lot daily.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

For Those Who Give Unwanted Medical Advice

I request everyone not to pass on untested quick get-well remedies, (which you do not believe in or tried on yourself or understood the philosophy behind it) to people suffering from some serious ailments. This only creates panic, confusion in patient and non belief in his/her ongoing treatment.

Give others advise only if you would do the same to your closest family members in similar condition. And if you're willing to make those rare things available to them and give full guarantee of the cure to the person being treated!

Several years ago my Dad was almost on the verge of refusing bypass surgery for multiple blockages because he thought that some juice suggested by someone would cure him! He had the juice for a month and kept delaying bypass surgery. It took a lot of convincing from us siblings and bro in law to make him understand.

There are several types of treatments/therapies out there, and every body is different (physical attributes, mental temperament, blood group, body type), everyone's ailment is of different degree and type. By giving wrong advise just to show you're being of help, you're actually risking someone's life!

It's important to understand the philosophy of every therapy to follow it. And some food and holistic therapies have to be followed along with your main life saving treatment/surgery and then switched over to for lifelong prevention and care. Even then it's better to direct people to trusted practitioners rather than advising them yourself if you don't understand the philosophy.

Photo by Frame Harirak on Unsplash