Pic 2 : Outside the station
The last two years have seen a dramatic change in and around Mira Road Station. When we first came to live here around 6-7 years back, there was a small old ticket counter outside the platform. It was typical of small ticket windows of a small town. There was a tower-like structure (two huge poles) erected towards the right side as you got out of the station, depicting entrance to Shanti Nagar side. This was made by Ajmera Builders, if I am not wrong, which has more constructions on the Shanti Nagar side, while Naya Nagar side is mostly ruled by Asmita Builders. The first change was made around two years back, when the huge poles (entrance) were felled down, which I'd written about on my blog that time. An additional railway track was laid (which till today is not used for local trains, but implemented as promised to people beyond Borivali after much struggle). The old ticket counter structure was demolished, the outside stalls were razed, a overhead bridge was constructed and modern-day ticket counter was made on the bridge. The present counter has all the amenities available , including smart card machines and the local/ STD phones installed by Tata. After this change, the station outside looked more cleaner and spacious.
What you see in Pic 1 and 2 is Mira Road station as it is seen today. Below is the same place as it looked two years back.

Before we could start enjoying the change, the spacious area was soon filled by hawkers selling fruits, vegetables and other stuff. This again is a speciality of almost all railways stations in Mumbai. Again some months ago more changes were planned, and digging started outside the station. To the left of Mira Road station as you stood facing the East (which is the only side which is inhabited by people), the leftmost side had a big pond-like swamp. This was almost like a gutter, attracting lot of mosquitoes and welcoming people who arrived at the Station. Called jokingly called Mira Road, 'Macchar Land'. Sometimes you could see sea-gulls there. But a year back, the work for filling up the swamp had begun and slowly that part has been concretised. After that work was over, RNA Builders had sealed up the left side for their construction work, which has started in full swing now. 2-3 months back, more digging started, making the approach road to the station from left side almost blocked. RNA construction on left side and the Sky Walk work on right side. Here, since the underground is swampy, the inner concretization was the initial step before starting the actual Sky walk work. While on the topic of Sky Walk, after the success of the Bandra Skywalk, there is a plan to have Skywalks at all the Mumbai stations, whether it is required there or not. The Bandra one was needed, but the others are just a need of some Neta. Even stations like Dahisar, which have a narrow road outside and does not even have a traffic congestion problem, are going to have a Sky Walk. Work has started and the many station roads at present are congested because of the work going on. The work is more in the stations beyond Borivali.
I'd gone outstation this weekend and on my return on Monday (11th May), was surprised to see the work of the Sky Walk almost taking shape. Some part of it was has been laid out. Good progress in two days ! I remember that there was another small gutter-like swampy area in the middle. And as we stood in the auto rickshaw line, mosquitoes greeted us from there. That was filled when the Phase 1 part of the work was completed almost a year and a half to two years back. The now has an enclosure and is smartly utilised for parking of two wheelers and cycles. Thankfully it was not given away for any building construction.
There's also one passage-way being made on the left of the station (attached to the platform). The roofs have been laid out already. Today I even saw painting work being done on the stairs leading to the foot-bridge.
Hoping to see a much better Mira Road station in the next couple of months.
I'd gone outstation this weekend and on my return on Monday (11th May), was surprised to see the work of the Sky Walk almost taking shape. Some part of it was has been laid out. Good progress in two days ! I remember that there was another small gutter-like swampy area in the middle. And as we stood in the auto rickshaw line, mosquitoes greeted us from there. That was filled when the Phase 1 part of the work was completed almost a year and a half to two years back. The now has an enclosure and is smartly utilised for parking of two wheelers and cycles. Thankfully it was not given away for any building construction.
There's also one passage-way being made on the left of the station (attached to the platform). The roofs have been laid out already. Today I even saw painting work being done on the stairs leading to the foot-bridge.
Hoping to see a much better Mira Road station in the next couple of months.
but dude wid rains nearin i guess da skywalk work is gonna come to an excruciatin(for us) halt...n u knw how messy situation gets in dis part of da world durin monsoons
i cant understand one thin like dis project was supposed to start las year so y did it take so long to get dun?
n whad's da point of showin sum sensless urgency now?!
Hmm.. wat can v say ! That seems to be a regular story with Indian projects.
But does Mira Road and some far suburbs really need a Skywalk? One place which needs one is Andheri-East. Because people cannot walk or cross the road there due to several bus-stops, autorickshaws etc. But with Metro Train work already adding to the woes of the already congested traffic, we need to wait till that project gets completed. DOn't know, when that will happen, tho'!
yea to think of it dey don maybe needin it now but i gues constructin dem can prove handfull in future like wid dat in mind havin one shuldn be objected but i agree dey shuld act on need basis and andheri area does need one!
whad dey shuld look upon in mira rd is to make ricks ply by meter but i gues dat won happen in my lifetime now!
Ricks plying by Meter! Ah, you've said it! My fav subjects. Will take it up separately. But don't think meters aren't being tampered with, eh?!
yea please do i'm so bloody waitin for dat one bein penned out by u
btw it might be a cliche for u by now but u do hav panache for writin wonder whad are u doin in bankin sector?!
U never know how life will take you... banking comes from my Dad. I didnt take it up, it just hppnd. Writing n painting, I wanted to happen, but they're side-tracked. Painting totally. Writing is alive in a way, thanx to 'Blog World' !
yea even i wuld like to thank dem like if it wasn for dem we wuld neva been enriched by your work ;)
p.s:for heavens please don start actin modest now!
Hmm :) thnx
Just came about this blog by chance. Good to see Mira Road improving. At least the Machar Land is going to be a People's land soon with the improvements coming in
Hi Guys
We have launched http://www.miraroad-yellowpages.com portal for exclsively Mira Road Localites. Check it out!!!
hi guys, I am planning on shifting to Mira Road in the next few months...I have seen some flats in Shanti Nagar and like the area a lot....Need some info from locals who have been in the area for some years regarding water supply, water logging in Shanti Nagar area, trains....and anything else that u guys might want to tell me that might help me come to a decision faster....Also, the train situation since I work in Andheri (9-5 job)...i would be deeply grateful if u could take time out and give me as many details as possible.....or u could contact me on 9833021156...Thanks, Norman Dgama
hi everyone i have satyed in mira road.....for a year n i like that place so much its been 7 years now but i m planing to visit mumbai soon.
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