Saturday, May 05, 2007

Miss u Moto!

Hey, so many changes happening around me. Need to capture on camera. But can't. Miss my mobile. It was so sleek and hardly 7-8 months old. My dear Moto Slim SLVR (Motorola L7). Mmmuaah! Where are you? Missing you, baby! I liked its sleek and slim look and took pride in carrying it in a pretty silver mobile pouch in my hand. It was my mini world. Walking internet, MP3 player, camera, recorder all rolled into one! Never in my life have I lost any mobile phone. And this one I always carried with me. Even to the cloakroom. But carried it back dutifully. The day I lost it, I was already going through stress and a few minutes back, had received a call from Delhi branch regarding some issue to be resolved. Maybe, these events made me absent minded. And lost it during lunch time.

The first mobile I owned on getting a job was Nokia 3310. That's is the sturdiest and toughest phone till date though they have already stopped manufacturing it long back. And because of its toughness, it still has a resale value though small. I handed it over to my Dad when I decided to go for a 'colour mobile' after some years (which he already lost in a crowded train later). I got hold of a basic Sony colour model- T68i . Not very great but 'colour phones' had just been launched and I didn't want to look outdated. Didn't like the features so much, hence changed it within a few months and gave the same to my brother who was in college then. Then I went for another Nokia sturdy model -3120 (right now using the same for the time being). I never spent more than 5000 rupees on any model. I used this one for quite some time till the 'camera mobile' craze caught up with me. Meanwhile mobile phone rates had also come down. I was looking for good features at reasonable rates. This time, I was ready to stretch my budget till 8000 bucks. And Motorola L7 was reasonable and sleek. And had junior AB vouching for it! I enjoyed having this mobile phone and didn't intend to change it for quite some time. But like everything, this one decided to bid me a farewell too within 7-8 months!

Tomorrow I'll go and buy a new one most probably. This time my requirements are FM radio in addition to all the above features. Earlier since I used an Ipod, I didn't feel the need for having a radio phone. Now I've zeroed in on two models as suggested by my little bro- Nokia 5200 and Sony Ericsson K750i. Let's see wat I carry back home with me.

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